Nightlancer Wiki
This wiki is about the dark, dystopian and disturbing world of Nightlancer.
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The Nightlancer board game is now available to buy!
Adversity Games shop
NL Fixer Banner

Fixer is the second game set in the Nightlancer world.

Fixer is a cyberpunk deck-building game. Players are fixers in the Nightlancer world. Build up your connections of regular customers and suppliers to make deals. Recruit specialists to help manage your connections. Hire enforcers to put the pressure on your opponents. Cut dirty deals and edge out the competition so you can get to the big time customers - the Nightlancers!

Vital statistics[]

Players: 2-6

Play time: 60+ minutes

Mechanics: Deck building, unique Supply/Demand mechanic

Current status: Late playtesting


Fixer on Adversity Games

Fixer on Facebook
